RDU Climate Records

                                      RDU Temp Records  1887-Present
                                    Today's Date  2024139  2024-05-18

   Date    High  Year  Low  Year HighMin  Year  LowMax  Year  Precip  Year SnowMax  Year  AvgHi AvgLo AvgPcp AvgSnw
2024-05-15   95  2010   40  2021      69  2018      56  1954    3.38  2014     0.0  1887   79.7  57.4  0.10   0.000
2024-05-16   94  1941   38  1973      70  2009      55  1935    3.21  1898     0.0  1887   79.9  57.7  0.10   0.000
2024-05-17   92  1947   36  1984      71  1899      57  1895    2.30  2010     0.0  1887   80.1  58.0  0.10   0.000
2024-05-18   95  1906   35  1973      72  1896      59  2003    3.24  1894     0.0  1887   80.3  58.3  0.11   0.000
2024-05-19   95  1962   41  2002      70  2022      58  1981    1.90  1991     0.0  1887   80.6  58.5  0.10   0.000
2024-05-20   96  2022   39  2002      69  2018      53  1981    1.70  1935     0.0  1887   80.8  58.8  0.11   0.000
2024-05-21   96  1941   44  1994      71  1898      56  1888    2.60  1931     0.0  1887   81.0  59.1  0.11   0.000

 RDU  1944-2022  Yearly Summary ending 2022-12-31  Total Years  79
 2022YY Tavg: 62.68F  Tmax: 73.78F  Tmin: 51.58F  Prcp: 44.74"   Snow:  2.7"
 Climo  Tavg: 61.06F  Tmax: 71.81F  Tmin: 50.31F  Prcp: 46.53"   Snow:  5.5"
 Diff   Tavg:  1.62F  Tmax:  1.97F  Tmin:  1.27F  Prcp: -1.79"   Snow: -2.8"
 Rank   Tavg:    4.0  Tmax:    4.0  Tmin:    7.0  Prcp:  36.0    Snow: 45.0
 2022YY TMax: 102F (07/06) TMin: 10F (12/24) Prcp: 3.35" (09/30) Snow:  1.5" (01/21)
 RDU  1944-2023  Yearly Summary ending 2023-12-31  Total Years  80
 2023YY Tavg: 63.83F  Tmax: 74.77F  Tmin: 52.90F  Prcp: 44.94"   Snow:  0.0"
 Climo  Tavg: 61.06F  Tmax: 71.81F  Tmin: 50.31F  Prcp: 46.53"   Snow:  5.5"
 Diff   Tavg:  2.78F  Tmax:  2.96F  Tmin:  2.59F  Prcp: -1.59"   Snow: -5.5"
 Rank   Tavg:    1.0  Tmax:    1.0  Tmin:    1.0  Prcp:  36.0    Snow: 73.5
 2023YY TMax: 102F (09/06) TMin: 23F (02/04) Prcp: 2.85" (12/17) Snow:  0.0" (01/01)
 RDU  1944-2024  Monthly Summary ending 2024-04-30  Total Years  80
 202404 Tavg: 64.32F  Tmax: 75.80F  Tmin: 52.83F  Prcp:  1.02"   Snow:  0.0"
 Climo  Tavg: 60.52F  Tmax: 72.41F  Tmin: 48.63F  Prcp:  3.55"   Snow:  0.0"
 Diff   Tavg:  3.80F  Tmax:  3.39F  Tmin:  4.20F  Prcp: -2.53"   Snow: -0.0"
 Rank   Tavg:    2.0  Tmax:    9.0  Tmin:    2.0  Prcp:  75.0    Snow:  3.0
 202404 TMax:  89F (04/15) TMin: 36F (04/07) Prcp: 0.36" (04/03) Snow:  0.0" (04/01)
 RDU  1944-2024  Monthly Summary ending 2024-05-17  Total Years  81
 202405 Tavg: 72.03F  Tmax: 81.76F  Tmin: 62.29F  Prcp:  3.32"   Snow:  0.0"
 Climo  Tavg: 68.59F  Tmax: 79.76F  Tmin: 57.42F  Prcp:  3.37"   Snow:  0.0"
 Diff   Tavg:  3.44F  Tmax:  2.00F  Tmin:  4.87F  Prcp: -0.05"   Snow:  0.0"
 Rank   Tavg:    6.0  Tmax:   16.0  Tmin:    4.0  Prcp:  47.5    Snow:  1.0
 202405 TMax:  92F (05/02) TMin: 51F (05/13) Prcp: 1.40" (05/14) Snow:  0.0" (05/01)
 RDU  1944-2024  Quarterly Summary ending 2024-05-17  Total Years  81
 2024Q  Tavg: 63.08F  Tmax: 74.13F  Tmin: 52.04F  Prcp:  8.69"   Snow:  0.0"
 Climo  Tavg: 60.48F  Tmax: 71.99F  Tmin: 48.98F  Prcp: 11.01"   Snow:  0.3"
 Diff   Tavg:  2.60F  Tmax:  2.14F  Tmin:  3.06F  Prcp: -2.32"   Snow: -0.3"
 Rank   Tavg:    3.0  Tmax:    7.0  Tmin:    3.0  Prcp:  59.0    Snow: 11.0
 2024Q  TMax:  92F (05/02) TMin: 33F (03/25) Prcp: 1.40" (05/14) Snow:  0.0" (03/01)
 RDU  1944-2024  Yearly Summary ending 2024-05-17  Total Years  81
 2024YY Tavg: 56.12F  Tmax: 67.13F  Tmin: 45.10F  Prcp: 15.05"   Snow:  0.0"
 Climo  Tavg: 61.06F  Tmax: 71.81F  Tmin: 50.31F  Prcp: 46.53"   Snow:  5.5"
 Diff   Tavg: -4.94F  Tmax: -4.68F  Tmin: -5.20F  Prcp: -31.48"   Snow: -5.5"
 Rank   Tavg:   80.0  Tmax:   80.0  Tmin:   80.0  Prcp:  81.0    Snow: 74.0
 2024YY TMax:  92F (05/02) TMin: 18F (01/17) Prcp: 1.52" (01/09) Snow:  0.0" (01/01)
Raleigh-Durham International Airport May 18 Weather, Average Temperature (North Carolina, United States) - Weather Spark
  1. WeatherSpark.com
  2. United States
  3. North Carolina
  4. Raleigh-Durham International Airport
  5. May

May 18 Weather at Raleigh-Durham International Airport North Carolina, United States

On May 18, the temperature at Raleigh-Durham International Airport typically ranges from 60°F to 78°F and is rarely below 49°F or above 87°F.

For reference, on July 19, the hottest day of the year, temperatures at Raleigh-Durham International Airport typically range from 71°F to 89°F, while on January 29, the coldest day of the year, they range from 33°F to 51°F.

The coolest time of the day is from 1:00 AM to 8:00 AM, with the coldest at 6:15 AM, at which time the temperature is below 65°F three days out of four, and below 68°F nine days out of ten.

The warmest time of the day is from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM, with the hottest at 3:45 PM, at which time the temperature is above 73°F three days out of four, and above 66°F nine days out of ten.

The day has gained half its heat by 9:45 AM and lost it again by 9:00 PM.

Average Temperature on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Average Temperature on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airportnightdaynight12 AM3 AM6 AM9 AM12 PM3 PM6 PM9 PM12 AM50°F50°F55°F55°F60°F60°F65°F65°F70°F70°F75°F75°F80°F80°F85°F85°F90°F90°F3:45 PM78°F3:45 PM78°F60°F6:15 AM60°F6:15 AM63°F1:00 AM63°F1:00 AM63°F8:00 AM63°F8:00 AM12:00 PM74°F12:00 PM74°F7:00 PM74°F7:00 PM74°FNowNow
The hourly average temperature (purple line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. The thin dotted line is the hourly average perceived temperature. Civil twilight and night are indicated by shaded overlays.

The figure below shows you a compact characterization of the range of temperatures experienced on May 18 throughout the historical record. The horizontal axis is the time of day and the colored stacked areas indicate the percentage of hours spent in various temperature bands.

Temperature Bands on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Temperature Bands on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airportnightdaynight12 AM3 AM6 AM9 AM12 PM3 PM6 PM9 PM12 AM0%100%20%80%40%60%60%40%80%20%100%0%NowNowcoldcoolcomfortablewarmhotvery cold
frigid 15°F freezing 32°F very cold 45°F cold 55°F cool 65°F comfortable 75°F warm 85°F hot 95°F sweltering
The percentage of time spent in various temperature bands. Civil twilight and night are indicated by shaded overlays.

Shkodër, Albania (4,993 miles away) and Luoqiao, China (7,984 miles) are the far-away foreign places with temperatures most similar to Raleigh-Durham International Airport (view comparison).

Compared to May 18 (excluding 30 days before and after), September 24 has the most similar daily average high and low temperatures.

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The average percentage of the sky covered by clouds at Raleigh-Durham International Airport on May 18 varies over the course of the day.

The cloudiest time of day is around 11:30 PM, at which time the chance of overcast or mostly cloudy conditions is 48%.

The clearest time of day is around 1:30 PM, at which time the chance of clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy conditions is 59%.

For reference, on December 26, the cloudiest day of the year, the chance of overcast or mostly cloudy conditions is 52%, while on October 11, the clearest day of the year, the chance of clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy skies is 65%.

Cloud Cover Categories on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Cloud Cover Categories on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airportnightdaynight12 AM3 AM6 AM9 AM12 PM3 PM6 PM9 PM12 AM0%100%10%90%20%80%30%70%40%60%50%50%60%40%70%30%80%20%90%10%100%0%11:30 PM52%11:30 PM52%1:30 PM59%1:30 PM59%NowNowclearmostly clearpartly cloudymostly cloudyovercast
0% clear 20% mostly clear 40% partly cloudy 60% mostly cloudy 80% overcast 100%
The percentage of time spent in each cloud cover band, categorized by the percentage of the sky covered by clouds. Civil twilight and night are indicated by shaded overlays.

On average, there is a 33% chance that more than 0.04 inches of total precipitation will fall at Raleigh-Durham International Airport throughout the day on May 18, all of which can be expected to be rain.

For reference, the year's highest daily chance of precipitation is 45% on July 16, and its lowest chance is 20% on October 30.

For those 33% of years with precipitation on May 18, the chart below shows when throughout the day that precipitation is more or less likely to occur, excluding hourly accumulations of less than 0.01 inches. If precipitation were equally likely throughout the day, all hours would report 4.2% (100% divided by 24 hours).

Precipitation is most likely between 2 PM and 3 PM, and least likely between 11 PM and 12 AM.

Hourly Share of Precipitation on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Hourly Share of Precipitation on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport nightdaynight12 AM3 AM6 AM9 AM12 PM3 PM6 PM9 PM12 AM0%0%1%1%2%2%3%3%4%4%5%5%6%6%7%7%8%8%4.2%4.2%2 PM7.4%2 PM7.4%11 PM2.6%11 PM2.6%NowNowrain
The share of the day's precipitation attributable to each hour of the day, excluding trace quantities, and color-coded as rain alone, snow alone, and mixed (both rain and snow fell during the same hour). Civil twilight and night are indicated by shaded overlays.

At Raleigh-Durham International Airport on Saturday, May 18, 2024, the Sun rises at 6:07 AM and sets 14 hours, 10 minutes later, at 8:16 PM. Solar noon is at 1:11 PM.

For reference, on June 20, the longest day of the year, the Sun rises at 5:59 AM and sets 14 hours, 36 minutes later, at 8:34 PM, while on December 21, the shortest day of the year, it rises at 7:21 AM and sets 9 hours, 43 minutes later, at 5:05 PM.

Civil twilight, the period before the Sun has risen or after the Sun has set during which time it is possible to engage in most outdoor activities without artificial lighting, begins and ends 29 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 5:38 AM and 8:45 PM respectively.

Nautical twilight, during which time it is possible to clearly discern the horizon (e.g., for navigational purposes), begins and ends 1 hour, 4 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 5:03 AM and 9:20 PM respectively.

Astronomical twilight, outside of which it is possible to make the most sensitive of astronomical observations, begins and ends 1 hour, 42 minutes before sunrise and after sunset, at 4:25 AM and 9:58 PM respectively.

Solar Elevation on May 18, 2024 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Solar Elevation on May 18, 2024 at Raleigh-Durham International Airportnightdaynight12 AM3 AM6 AM9 AM12 PM3 PM6 PM9 PM12 AM-80 deg-80 deg-60 deg-60 deg-40 deg-40 deg-20 deg-20 deg0 deg0 deg20 deg20 deg40 deg40 deg60 deg60 deg80 deg80 degsolar noon1:11 PMsolar noon1:11 PMrise6:07 AMrise6:07 AMset8:16 PMset8:16 PMsummer solsticesummer solsticewinter solsticewinter solsticeNowNow
Elevation of the center of the Sun above (positive) or below (negative) the horizon (black line). Yellow and gray fills indicate day and night, respectively. Light gray lines are the corresponding curves for the winter and summer solstices. Civil twilight and night are indicated by shaded overlays.

At Raleigh-Durham International Airport on Saturday, May 18, 2024, the Moon sets at 3:31 AM and rises at 3:48 PM. The phase of the moon is waxing gibbous, with 78% of the disk illuminated.

May 7, 2024
11:23 PM
May 15, 2024
7:49 AM
 May 18, 2024 
11:27 AM
May 23, 2024
9:54 AM
May 30, 2024
1:13 PM
New Moon
First Quarter
50% ↗
Waxing Gibbous
78% ↗
Full Moon
Third Quarter
50% ↘

Lunar Elevation on May 18, 2024 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Lunar Elevation on May 18, 2024 at Raleigh-Durham International Airportnightdaynight 12 AM3 AM6 AM9 AM12 PM3 PM6 PM9 PM12 AM-60 deg-60 deg-40 deg-40 deg-20 deg-20 deg0 deg0 deg20 deg20 deg40 deg40 deg60 deg60 deg80 deg80 degrise, E3:48 PMrise, E3:48 PMset, W3:31 AMset, W3:31 AM9:52 PM52 deg, S9:52 PM52 deg, SNowNow
Elevation of the center of the Moon above (positive) or below (negative) the horizon (black line). Civil twilight and night are indicated by shaded overlays.

We base the humidity comfort level on the dew point, as it determines whether perspiration will evaporate from the skin, thereby cooling the body. Lower dew points feel drier and higher dew points feel more humid. Unlike temperature, which typically varies significantly between night and day, dew point tends to change more slowly, so while the temperature may drop at night, a muggy day is typically followed by a muggy night.

The chance of muggy, oppressive, or miserable conditions at Raleigh-Durham International Airport on May 18 varies over the course of the day, with an average daily chance of 19%.

The muggiest time of day on May 18 is around 11:30 AM, with muggy conditions 26% of the time.

The least muggy time of day is around 4:30 AM, with muggy conditions 14% of the time.

For reference, on July 23, the muggiest day of the year, there are muggy conditions 84% of the time, while on January 24, the least muggy day of the year, there are muggy conditions 0% of the time.

Humidity Comfort Levels on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Humidity Comfort Levels on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport nightdaynight12 AM3 AM6 AM9 AM12 PM3 PM6 PM9 PM12 AM0%0%10%10%20%20%30%30%40%40%50%50%60%60%70%70%80%80%90%90%100%100%4:30 AM14%4:30 AM14%11:30 AM26%11:30 AM26%NowNowmuggyhumidcomfortabledryoppressive
dry 55°F comfortable 60°F humid 65°F muggy 70°F oppressive 75°F miserable
The percentage of time spent at various humidity comfort levels, categorized by dew point. Civil twilight and night are indicated by shaded overlays.

This section discusses the wide-area hourly average wind vector (speed and direction) at 10 meters above the ground. The wind experienced at any given location is highly dependent on local topography and other factors, and instantaneous wind speed and direction vary more widely than hourly averages.

The average hourly wind speed at Raleigh-Durham International Airport on May 18 varies throughout the day, with a daily average of 5.2 miles per hour.

The windiest time of day is around 2:45 PM, with an average hourly wind speed of 6.1 miles per hour, mostly staying between 4.2 miles per hour and 7.7 miles per hour, and rarely falling below 2.7 miles per hour or exceeding 9.7 miles per hour.

The calmest time of day is around 7:30 PM, with an average hourly wind speed of 4.0 miles per hour, mostly staying between 3.0 miles per hour and 4.7 miles per hour, and rarely falling below 2.4 miles per hour or exceeding 6.5 miles per hour.

For reference, on February 27, the windiest day of the year, the daily average wind speed is 6.5 miles per hour, while on August 8, the calmest day of the year, the daily average wind speed is 4.0 miles per hour.

Wind Speed on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Wind Speed on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport nightdaynight12 AM3 AM6 AM9 AM12 PM3 PM6 PM9 PM12 AM0 mph0 mph1 mph1 mph2 mph2 mph3 mph3 mph4 mph4 mph5 mph5 mph6 mph6 mph7 mph7 mph8 mph8 mph9 mph9 mph2:45 PM6.1 mph2:45 PM6.1 mph4.0 mph7:30 PM4.0 mph7:30 PMNowNow
The average of mean hourly wind speeds (dark gray line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. Civil twilight and night are indicated by shaded overlays.

Over the entire course of May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport, the hourly average wind direction, in order of prevalence, is from the south (31%), west (30%), north (23%), and east (16%).

Wind Direction on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Wind Direction on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport nightdaynight12 AM3 AM6 AM9 AM12 PM3 PM6 PM9 PM12 AM0%100%20%80%40%60%60%40%80%20%100%0%NowNowwestsoutheastnorth
The percentage of hours in which the mean wind direction is from each of the four cardinal wind directions, excluding hours in which the mean wind speed is less than 1.0 mph. The lightly tinted areas at the boundaries are the percentage of hours spent in the implied intermediate directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest). Civil twilight and night are indicated by shaded overlays.

This section discusses the incident shortwave solar power reaching the surface of the ground over a wide area, taking full account of seasonal variations in the length of the day, the elevation of the Sun above the horizon, and absorption by clouds and other atmospheric constituents. Shortwave radiation includes visible light and ultraviolet radiation.

The peak incident shortwave solar power per square meter is 0.82 kilowatts at around 1:15 PM.

In contrast, the corresponding value on June 22, the brightest day of the year, is 0.83 kilowatts at around 12:00 PM. The corresponding value on December 24, the darkest day of the year, is 0.41 kilowatts at around 11:15 AM.

Shortwave Solar Power on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport

Shortwave Solar Power on May 18 at Raleigh-Durham International Airport nightdaynight12 AM3 AM6 AM9 AM12 PM3 PM6 PM9 PM12 AM0.0 kW0.0 kW0.5 kW0.5 kW1.0 kW1.0 kW1.5 kW1.5 kW2.0 kW2.0 kW1:15 PM0.82 kW1:15 PM0.82 kWDec 24Dec 24NowNow
Average incident shortwave solar power reaching the ground per square meter (orange line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. Light gray lines are the corresponding curves for the days with the minimum and maximum average total solar energy reaching the ground. Civil twilight and night are indicated by shaded overlays.

For the purposes of this report, the geographical coordinates of Raleigh-Durham International Airport are 35.879 deg latitude, -78.787 deg longitude, and 407 ft elevation.

The topography within 2 miles of Raleigh-Durham International Airport contains only modest variations in elevation, with a maximum elevation change of 190 feet and an average elevation above sea level of 371 feet. Within 10 miles also contains only modest variations in elevation (449 feet). Within 50 miles contains only modest variations in elevation (968 feet).

The area within 2 miles of Raleigh-Durham International Airport is covered by artificial surfaces (72%) and trees (25%), within 10 miles by artificial surfaces (57%) and trees (39%), and within 50 miles by trees (57%) and cropland (31%).

This report illustrates the typical weather at Raleigh-Durham International Airport, based on a statistical analysis of historical hourly weather reports and model reconstructions from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 2016.

Temperature and Dew Point

Raleigh-Durham International Airport has a weather station that reported reliably enough during the analysis period that we have included it in our network. When available, historical temperature and dew point measurements are taken directly from this weather station. These records are obtained from NOAA's Integrated Surface Hourly data set, falling back on ICAO METAR records as required.

In the case of missing or erroneous measurements from this station, we fall back on records from nearby stations, adjusted according to typical seasonal and diurnal intra-station differences. For a given day of the year and hour of the day, the fallback station is selected to minimize the prediction error over the years for which there are measurements for both stations.

The stations on which we may fall back include but are not limited to Horace Williams Airport; Person County Airport; Sanford, Sanford-Lee County Regional Airport; Louisburg, Franklin County Airport; Erwin, Harnett County Airport; Johnston Regional Airport; Henderson-Oxford Airport; and Burlington-Alamance Regional Airport.

Other Data

All data relating to the Sun's position (e.g., sunrise and sunset) are computed using astronomical formulas from the book, Astronomical Algorithms 2nd Edition , by Jean Meeus.

All other weather data, including cloud cover, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and solar flux, come from NASA's MERRA-2 Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis . This reanalysis combines a variety of wide-area measurements in a state-of-the-art global meteorological model to reconstruct the hourly history of weather throughout the world on a 50-kilometer grid.

Land Use data comes from the Global Land Cover SHARE database , published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Elevation data comes from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) , published by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Names, locations, and time zones of places and some airports come from the GeoNames Geographical Database .

Time zones for airports and weather stations are provided by AskGeo.com .